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Hi, I’m Josh and I make things out of metal. Iron, Stainless steel, Brass & Bronze, aluminum.

I am based in Metcalfe, Ontario, just outside of Ottawa. My work is focused on architectural pieces, such as railings, balustrades, fences, gates, staircases and hardware. I also produce historical reproduction, sculpture and everything in between.

My metalworking journey began in 2006 when I discovered instructions for making chainmail. This immediately captured my imagination and launched me on a journey which lead me to obsessively study all things metal work. I started by learning historical techniques, first for medieval armour, then branching out to blacksmithing more generally. Next came art school, specializing in metal art. This brought my work into the contemporary world, suggesting the possibility or synthesizing new and old, both on a technical and an aesthetic level.

The next step was to take all my skills and knowledge and bring them to bear in the real world. To that end, I got a job in industry, working in high end architectural ironwork. I spent 3 years learning the business from seasoned professionals, picking up all kinds of tricks of the trade, from subtle design techniques to the practical nuts and bolts of the construction industry.

Finally my journey has lead me to this enterprise. Setting up an independent practice producing artistic metalwork in the Ottawa Area.

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